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09 Nanga Parbat Rupal And East Faces, Rakhiot Peak From Tarashing At Sunrise 10 Rakhiot Peak East Face Close Up From Tarashing At Sunrise 11 Ridge From Nanga Parbat To Rakhiot Peak To Chongra Peak From Tarashing At Sunrise 12 View Ahead To Rupal Village And Way Towards Nanga Parbat Rupal Face Base Camp From Tarashing 13 Nanga Parbat Close Up On Trek From Tarashing To Rupal Face Base Camp
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11 Ridge From Nanga Parbat To Rakhiot Peak To Chongra Peak From Tarashing At Sunrise  [11 of 21]

Gunther Messner’s diary May 15, 1970: The day dawns bright and cloudless. For the first time I see Nanga and Chongra Peak from the south: the impression is overwhelming. Huge hanging glaciers, terrifying precipices, furrowed by avalanches. Right over to the left is the summit of Nanga! (The Naked Mountain by Reinhold Messner)
11 Ridge From Nanga Parbat To Rakhiot Peak To Chongra Peak From Tarashing At Sunrise Gunther Messner’s diary May 15, 1970: The day dawns bright and cloudless. For the first time I see Nanga and Chongra Peak from the south: the impression is overwhelming. Huge hanging glaciers, terrifying precipices, furrowed by avalanches. Right over to the left is the summit of Nanga! (The Naked Mountain by Reinhold Messner)